Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What should i do for a science project on life without oil?

My group can choose a slide show, documentary , model, exhibit, or just be creative. Give me information on how i can do the project PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZWhat should i do for a science project on life without oil?
Well, you have to think of alternative energy sources. Some renewable energy sources are solar power, wind power, hydroelectric power. Just think about it!What should i do for a science project on life without oil?
First, I dont know the details but I will try to help u the best I can.

Firsrt, start by showing how few things there are that do not involve oil at some point in its production.

Second, try to say how life would be if we had not discovered oil.

And Third, try to imagine how life would be if we used alternate energy
Just do a display of things that exist now that do not involve oil in there production. You'll notice that there are very few things on your display.

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